How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running
How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

In this article we will see how in Oracle Database we can restore a datafile that has been deleted or has become corrupt while the database remains "open" and continues its operation. The data to carry out the process comes from the RMAN backups.

The prerequisites

The database should be located at Archive Log Mode, if it is not found, connect from a terminal with the oracle user (with which the Oracle Database has been installed):

sqlplus / as sysdba

To make the change you will need to restart the database by running the following:

shutdown immediate;

alter database archivelog mode;


We should also be application aware RMAN database backups and keep them Archive Logs.

We connect to RMAN:

rman target /

To get the backup of the database we run the following:

backup database;
How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

Alternatively, we can backup the archive logs at the same time as the database, but this is not required for the example:

backup database plus archivelog;

The example

For example we have created a tablespace consisting of two datafiles:

   DATAFILE '/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/ORACLEDB/datafile/corrupt_ts_data1.dbf'size 10m autoextend on next 64m maxsize 32767m,
   '/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/ORACLEDB/datafile/corrupt_ts_data2.dbf'size 10m autoextend on next 64m maxsize 32767m;

We can see which datafiles the tablespace consists of and what file_id it has with the following query:

   bytes / 1024/ 1024  MB,
How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

We create a table under a user that will belong to this tablespace, but first we give the user permission to write to the tablespace:

ALTER USER stratos quota unlimited on CORRUPT_TS;

CREATE TABLE stratos.users(
   username VARCHAR2(50)
) TABLESPACE corrupt_ts;

insert into stratos.users (username) values ('Stratos');
insert into stratos.users (username) values ('Giorgos');
insert into stratos.users (username) values ('Nikos');
insert into stratos.users (username) values ('Vasilis');

We check to see that the table contains the entries:

select * from stratos.users;
How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

To be sure for example that the information of the table has been written to the datafiles, we restart the database:

shutdown immediate;

Alternatively we checkpoint the database:

alter system checkpoint;

Now that we have done all of the above, we go to the location where one of the tablespace datafiles containing the table is located and delete it:

How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

If we go to read the table again we will get the following message:

select * from stratos.users;
How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

How do we fix the problem?

For starters, we turn the tablespace to offline:

sqlplus / as sysdba
alter tablespace corrupt_ts offline immediate;

We connect to RMAN:

rman target /

And we do restore the number of the datafile that showed a problem:

restore datafile 5;
How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

Then we do recover the datafile so that the logs are applied and we reach the datafile at the most recent point in time before deleting it:

recovery datafile 5;

How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

When the process is complete, we return the tablespace to online:

sqlplus / as sysdba
alter tablespace corrupt_ts online;

Now if we select the table we will again see the entries of the table without problem:

select * from stratos.users;
How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

How do we restore all the datafiles that make up the tablespace

We return as before the tablespace to offline and we connect to RMAN:

sqlplus / as sysdba
alter tablespace corrupt_ts offline immediate;
rman target /

By connecting to RMAN we do restore all the datafiles that make up the tablespace with the following command:

restore tablespace corrupt_ts;
How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

Then we do recover the datafiles of the tablespace so that the logs are applied and we reach the datafile at the most recent point in time before deleting it:

recover tablespace corrupt_ts;
How to restore datafiles while Oracle Database is running

We return the tablespace to online to complete the process and make the tablespace accessible:

sqlplus / as sysdba
alter tablespace corrupt_ts online;


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