How do we find the longest running queries in an Oracle database

How do we find the longest running queries in an Oracle database
How do we find the longest running queries in an Oracle database

In the Oracle databases we have the possibility to find statistical data for the queries by making use of the reports ASH and AWR. But to activate this feature we must have Enterprise version. In Standard we can install the package Statspack which provides us with some information but in this article we will see how we can obtain information about the sql queries that are cached through the dynamic view v$SQL.

In particular, we will see a query with which we can obtain information about cached queries based on the criteria of when they were last run, the time they lasted and the user who executed them.

What information can we find through the query in v$SQL?

With this query we can see the following:

  • The SQL Text
  • The last time he ran
  • How many times has it run until it was loaded into the cache
  • Which user ran it
  • How long was it in total?

The code

round((elapsed_time/1000000),0) Duration_in_Seconds,
round((elapsed_time/1000000/60),0) Duration_in_Minutes
from v$sql
where 1=1
and last_active_time > TO_DATE('2021-10-01 01:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH-MI-SS')
and elapsed_time/1000000 > 0 --duration in seconds
and upper(service) = (select upper(value) from v$parameter where name like '%service_name%')
and parsing_schema_name not in ('SYS','SYSMAN','AUDSYS')
and executions > 0
--and parsing_schema_name ='STRATOS'
order by elapsed_time desc;

The results it will return will be as we see indicatively in the image below:

long running queries


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