How can we run multiple scripts in Oracle in Unix environment

How can we run multiple scripts in Oracle in Unix environment
How can we run multiple scripts in Oracle in Unix environment

In the article we will see how to easily and quickly create a script that can execute multiple other scripts in a database Oracle in an environment Unix. It even provides the ability to stop in case of an error.

Creating the executable

We should make the script that we will call in which the base environment will be defined and the file that will contain all the scripts that will be executed:


We define the paths ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID and its command sqlplus without connecting to the file with the parameters:

export ORACLE_BASE=/oracle/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog @/home/oracle/scripts/script.par

The parameter file

We make the file with the parameters that will be connected by holding through spool the results and contains the list of scripts:

vi script.par

We define it WHENEVERSQLERROR EXIT in case we want it to stop on error.

Fill in the username and password of the user with whom the scripts will be executed.

With spool save the log in the path we have defined.

We can during this time connect with another user, e.g. sysdba and do recompile (utlrp):

connect username/password
spool /home/oracle/scripts/results.out
spool off
connect / as sysdba

The execution

To finally run the script as a background process (after first giving the file execute permission):

nohup  ./ &
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